Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Nanowrimo in 2 days

I'm planning to do Nanowrimo this Nov. and also the daily blog roll, if I can open their site. I just moved to Lucerne Valley, CA and I have the worst Internet connection I've ever had. It's dial up and it's supposed to be 56 but it's running at about 26.

I started working on the outline of my new novel. Fortunately I signed up for Nanowrimo before I moved, so at least my hat is in the ring. I'm under the name Enchantress if you want to follow and be my buddy over there. I'm hoping the local library has DSL and I can catch up. I haven't gotten over to the library yet. I don't have a car and it's too far to walk so I need to wait until my boyfriend is in the mood to go over there. I need to get another car ASAP. This is not a good place to live without one. I live in the mojave desert. I'm not even sure there's a bus route out here in Lucerne.