I spent the day painting, and tonight we are going to a Robin Hood play. I need to get ready so I don't keep people waiting, but I'll write all about both when I get home tonight or tomorrow if it's late.
Today's painting: Mask and Pearls
Acrylics on Gesso covered Bristol Vellum |
Update: The play was excellent. I mean how often do you get to go to an original play and meet the playwright? Here is our friend Eric looking mighty handsome in his King's archer costume. And that's my boyfriend in the kilt. He made the new white arrows for the play.
It is a musical and it plays through December. If you are near Westminster CA don't miss it. I'll have the details for you tomorrow. It's appropriate for family viewing so don't be afraid to take your kids, grand kids and grandparents.
Ticket info:
Rose Center Theater in Westminster CA
Madrigal Singers lead the crowd to the opening of the theater. |
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